Expansion of access to marine trade, harvester and other working waterfront professions is a tide that lifts all boats. In this session, attendees will hear from fishing and marine trade leaders who are running and launching programs to open our waterways for young people and training them to take on leadership roles in the industry. We’ll cover what’s working, and what has brought additional challenges to maintaining and growing this critical workforce.
Panelists will explore what it means to not only change the narrative around commercial fishing, but also showcase what a fulfilling future can look like for new entrants into this industry. A career in commercial fishing can be vast, where you never have to categorize yourself as one type of fisherman or mariner. Harvesters can diversify operations and job opportunities, and often need to to respond to fishery disasters and shifting infrastructure. We’ll explore the resources, policies and community initiatives that support independent fishermen in pivoting to stay in business, and keep fishing communities resilient to change.
Join us as we explore topics of waterfront job access and share tangible ways to help the industry thrive.